about me

self portrait of woman

divya wolf of rocket moon photography

lifestyle photographer obsessed with documenting the unforgettable everyday
minneapolis, minnesota
click pro | offset artist



I grew up with one hand on a map and the other on a camera, and that continues today.  I am a lover of “the moment” which balances the “planner” in me.  You will always find me up for an impulsive adventure, ready to drive 100 miles for an amazing donut, and up for any getaway (especially if a beach is involved!). 

I made my first scrapbook at the age of four, and mom still has it!  Even then my love of capturing the emotion behind all moments was very apparent.  Now today, I am a little behind with documenting my lives on paper, but you can always find me with a camera within arms reach and documenting my personal and professional life digitally.

I have lived a “nomadic” life, growing up between the east and west coast, spending time living in London, and graduate school in Chicago.  These adventures plus a little fate, led me to meet the love of my life, who luckily loves adventure as much as I do.  We have two precious girls, who are my muses and have been the instigators to really document our lives, and capture ALL the raw emotions that happen around us.  They motivate me to live in the moment, see things in a new way, and push me to seek ways to freeze time, even if it is just for one split second, with my camera.

I have owned many cameras throughout my life, and with the advent of the smartphone, a camera is always within my arms reach.  While I have been known as the one who will always pull out a camera to commemorate the moment (even as a small child), it was with the birth of my eldest that I realized that the collection of all these moments is in essence my living legacy and something I want her to have for all time.  These memories are a prized possession, regardless if it’s me telling them the stories firsthand or having my voice frozen in time for them to have something to tangibly hold on to as they grow up and become a young women.

By taking pictures, and commemorating the moments (even if many seem silly at the time) I am creating a trail of the moments that capture me, my daughters, and our family as the people we are today and those that will define who will be in the future.  While I like to think that I will remember each and every smile, the funny witty comments and songs, and all the crazy adventures we embark on, I am only human and they aren’t all readily on the tips of my finger tips as I would like.  So I push you to document your everyday… even if it is with a smartphone, disposable camera, a fancy dslr, a sketchbook, just commemorate the moment!

So thank you camera, thank you for all the moments you have helped me freeze in time.  Now to work on making sure our entire family is in the frame, but that is another story <3